Feb 28, 2010

Congratulations to Valencia Spain

Congratulations to Valencia Spain For many years, Valencia Spain was struggling as the third most important city after Madrid, the capital and Barcelona. It has long been known for its Fallas festival in Valencia, but now, after being chosen to host the Cup cities of North and South America, and later after its construction in impressive? City of Arts and Sciences', Valencia is known throughout the world. Sailing Spain with Valencia on 26 November 2003, Valencia was the official welcoming city for the next America's Cup in 2007. Swiss Team? Alinghi ", the winner of the America? S Cup in 2003, has had the opportunity to choose the venue for the next competition, Switzerland has been at a loss, apparently without a lake or sea and Valencia, among other things, was a good choice. The first priority is that the city has excellent climatic conditions, not to mention all the other services, depending on the size of event. The weather in Valencia is very hot in summer, with mild winters and a beautiful coastline with great sports many of the ports in neighboring towns like Denia, Javea and Alicante. Thus, at 23. January 2003 by ACM (America's Cup Management), the one responsible for organizing this event in their paper? Terms of challenge? 27 January 2003 and opened its doors for enrollment. For the first time in 152 years, this meeting is one of four years, with different races, each invocation of a law, to highlight race of the Louis Vuitton Cup in 2007. The points that each team in Act 1 in Marseille will be celebrated the feed for the main race. This is the first time that these teams will want to use this format in this particular case. This is an interesting mix of fleet racing (group of sailboats) and Match Race (one to one), an exciting visual spectacle, a lot of fun guaranteed. Marseille to Valencia begins on 5 September 2004, an act of America? S Cup start, from Pier J4, where large TV screens were set up so that the public can actively participate in this wonderful happening. The reason why Marseille was chosen because it is a lot of places where the race could be observed at first hand. The new approach that the organizers want to push the idea to the public as close as possible to the competitors as possible, so that everyone understands that the warmth and emotion. In place, there were only five teams signed: The Defender? Alinghi? And the challenger BMW Oracle Racing, Le Defi of France, K-Challenge and the South African Shosoloza. Act Two and Three have been? At home? in Valencia, the team can be with their new landscape and weather conditions like wind and water from the sea of Valencia. After the document was signed in October, was a champion for the year 2004, with an accumulation of points from three acts. If the date of registration expired on 29 April 2005, there were a total of eleven teams challenging signed BMW Oracle in the U.S., +39 Challenge, Mascalzone Latino Capitalia Team and Luna Rossa from Italy, Team Shosholoza from South Africa, Emirates Team New Zealand, K-Challenge from France, Victory Challenge from Sweden, United Inteet Team Germany, Germany, China Team China, and last but not least, the Desafio Espanol of Spain. Now, after nine Louis Vuitton Acts, it is time to cool off 'the engine and get strength back. We will see the start of three new laws, in May 2006 (). Valencia, the vibrant city thanks to its innovative, all tourist attractions and for the next America's Cup, Valencia airport is busier than ever with new flights and facilitate the expansion of this vibrant city. Some of the best hotels, like the Silken Puerta Valencia, right near the port or Posadas de Espana and industrial trade fair, will make your stay very pleasant, when in Valencia in Spain.