Jul 9, 2009

Ontario The Gaint

Ontario is a province located between the province of Quebec to the east, and Manitoba to the west. To the north is Hudson Bay and James Bay. To the south are the United States of America, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and New York, Pennsylvania. The border between the two countries are filled with rivers and lakes, Saint Lawrence River, it passes through the four Great Lakes, Lakes Superior, Erie Huron (which includes Georgian Bay), Huron, Ontario. There are approximately 250,000 lakes and 100,000 kilometers of river in the province in the province of Ontario.

The weather is nice and hot (15-30 days above 30°C or 86°F) in the summer so you can enjoy traveling and visiting the beach. There are many neat things to see there, Niagara Falls is the most visited waterfall in Canada, the Toronto Stock Exchange is a very neat place to visit. You get to lea the history and how it affects the world everyday. You can take tours through out the province seeing all the history that the province has to offer.

Some quick facts
-Largest city is Toronto
-Population is 12,541,410(2005)
-3rd Province in Canada July 1, 1867
-English speaking province

This is a province that you don't want to miss because there is so much of Canada's history here. If you come from a smaller city this is going to be a experience of a life time seeing the towering buildings and just the mass size of the city's.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks. Ashton Billesberger is the owner and operator of Ontario Canada Guide - www.ontario-canada-guide.com, which is the best site on the inteet for all Ontario related information.

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