Jul 7, 2009

Republic of Paraguay

Republic of Paraguay is situated almost in the center of South America. Its territory is spread over 407 thousand square kilometers and its population is 1.7 million people. Paraguay is the country with the least population in South America. In the second half of the 16-th century the territory of today Paraguay was populated by the Spanish settlers, with who also came the members of the catholic order of the Jesuits, whose rule lasted 150 years. In 1811 Paraguay declared its independence. Soon in power was the dictator Fransisa, who ruled for 26 years and was one of the warriors for independence. In 1865 Argentina, Brazil and Uruguai declared war to Paraguay. This war took many casualties in the country and most of its population was killed.

During the 20th century in the country were fighting for power the goveing groups and the dictators. The reactionary govements pursued the interest of the American monopolists. People were fighting against this politics, but its actions were crushed with radical measures. In 1954 into power came gen. Alfredo Stresner. In 1989 gen. Andres Rodriges conducted a politic for caring out the country from the isolation, in which she was put thanks to many reforms. Democratic elections were taken in 1993. In 1992 was submitted a Constitution. Paraguay is constitutional republic. Head of state is the president, who is chosen for five years.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

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