Aug 24, 2009

India, the land of another planet

India, the land of another planet I am firmly convinced the country of India was transplanted from another planet. You will find no other place like in this world. India India is a country where you see everything you can imagine. Even more important is that everything you see will be intense. You will not see a beggar, you will see millions of them. You can see a beautiful beach, you will see the most beautiful beaches in the world. Places of wealth are so over the top is? Ll be stunned. The slums of the poor, on the other hand, there will be back on your heals. India is a place you can visit and leave completely impressed and disgusted at the same time. If your idea of traveling is sitting in an elegant hotel, India has such places, but you? Ll not be able to avoid the areas less attractive. If you prefer to go out and take in a culture that is totally foreign to their own, there will never be a better place than India. India is really a number of countries into a political border. The south of India is very different from the north. The same applies to the east and west. If not? T as the place in you? Back in always so easy on a train for a day or two, and you? Ll be in a world completely different. One of the biggest complaints from passengers on India is poverty. In truth, it's bad. There is simply no way around the fact. No matter what you've seen where I went before, nothing to do with poverty in India. The slums are large cities, and the conditions are less than ideal. On behalf of a first step, I suggest you read the book? Shantaram ', By Gregory David Roberts. Roberts, who lives in a shanty town, while for the year on the run from the law. The book is huge and gives you a different perspective on the situation of poverty. Regardless, you will have problems to deal with poverty in India. It can ruin your trip if you? Re not careful. If you? Re considering a visit to India, you must accept the fact that life is different, and it has to deal with before you go. In truth, India is an incredibly fascinating land of beauty, impressive facilities and incredibly funny people.

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