Aug 20, 2009

Siberia, Russia Part 9 Chita

Siberia, Russia Part 9 Chita After the decision to intervene in Siberia for a year to teach at the Technical University Chita State, I began a jouey odyssey unlike any other. In diesem Eintrag, holen wir die letzte Etappe der Sieben-Tage-Reise dorthin zu gelangen. Siberia, as a train in preparation for my trip, I had done the preparation. As a common man, so that most of you female readers will find hard to believe, but I swear that was the case. Yes, I had on books, movies to rent, and so forth. I was with the tundra, forests and the perma-frost in Siberia. And I wanted at all during the three days by train to Siberia. On the contrary! Apparently, the wild wild Siberia are somewhat 'more north of the Trans-Siberian Railway runs. During our trip we did not see the forest, not the mountains, and virtually nothing. It 'was like a slow train in Kansas. It was not easy? T more than anything to see. I wish I could say otherwise. End of the road, as I went to bed the evening of the sixth day of the trip, I was to develop a firm belief that I have never Chita. Instead, it was clear that some kind of bizarre reality TV series based on traveler driven slowly mad. Amazing Race? Give me a break. As for the oh so many things that I was wrong. Day Seven scope scratch. Especially if they are supported by the Russian woman in our car. As I tued from my bed, I realized that he spoke loudly and displays more than a little '. The train was slowing down, but I could? T much out the window because we are among the trees, and there was too much Sunday. Once awake Grae Whack with laughter and, finally recognized that I say? Chita?. We were there. After three flights, a nasty customs officers, a few embarrassing moments, like so many crackers and a total of seven days, we had actually arrived. At 5:30 in the moing. Jump out of bed, every one of us stuffed our things in our pockets. Staggered into the hall. Realized there is absolutely needed showers. And stepped off the train in Chita. Siberia. Russia.

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