Aug 29, 2009

Siberia, Russia Part 6 When Stairs Attack in the Khabarovsk station

Siberia, Russia Part 6 When Stairs Attack in the Khabarovsk station In this continuing series, which cover my move from San Diego to Chita, Siberia to be a professor at the Technical University Chita State. Take the story goes to the train station in Khabarovsk to catch the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Day 4! If you? I've been reading this series of, you know my first trip was estimated 2 days and a half from San Diego to Chita, Russia. Well, it's 4 days and I came by train. This estimate dreadful time is proof of poor math education. I blame the education system in America! I could never understand math hypotheticals? If a train is heading south? X? speed and a cyclist heading north? x? speed, when the policy? When going to meet? Rather,? What the hell is the pilot is going to sound when they meet? What happens to your family, not to mention the nightmares suffered by the driver. I mean, really, who can do the math in these circumstances? Scale? Bad, Bad Scale Intourist Hotel, we are ready for the train tickets to Chita. For us, I mean my friend has all grae. For $ 27? What? had organized a bunk bed and all was well. With a good night's rest, we headed to the hall and outside in? Rain. At the local level has been kind enough to give us a ride to the train station and everything seems good. After a while 'note, extreme facial expressions and so on, we found our train is running on an hour slow. Hunkered and made us a little 'for people to watch. As we sat, I thought my luggage. I had a big backpack on foot and calls me? Mass. The mass was a small duffle bag with wheels on one end of plastic rod and a reduction in the flat or down. In theory, it can be rolled or transported anywhere. Mine was black, wet and weighed about 70 pounds. Before you snicker, consider going to Siberia for a year. What to bring? However, I had a feeling of discomfort, but I could? Do not really understand why. Our time and it was time to head to the track platform. Like many European stations, and in fact had to go down the stairs, through a tunnel and then back up the stairs to get to your platform. This is not the way it works in San Diego. Furthermore, no? N. rain in San Diego. Rain, 70 lbs bag on wheels, plastic bar, the stairs? I think you get the picture. The stairs were packed below deck, as the franchise pulling behind me. You would be proud. I made the first flight without mutilation or any other person who has been slapped. Just as I gave the second flight? It was nudgeth back. Time slowed. The mass struck me in the back of the knee. I fell back to earth. In a transformation beyond my primitive understanding of quantum physics, the franchise has become a high performance sled. I went down. Even in slow motion, could not? Help view, but not the speed of the Russians in the stairwell. Some climbed on a decorative shelf running down the stairs. Sucked in overweight people and suddenly became fine. Miraculously, not a soul was hit on my way down. My destination was uneventful, that is to say there was? Ta strong blow to the wall at the bottom of the staircase. I jumped and tued around to see if anyone was injured. There was total silence. Looking back is facing me. Apparently, the only thing hurt was my ego and skin, which is in tu a darker shade of red. Well, I like to make an impression! I prayed fervently that none of them went to Chita. Everyone started moving again and did not say a word. Unfortunately, the mass was not so accommodating when it comes to taking the stairs at the other end of the tunnel. Next? The Trans-Siberian Railway? How many days in Chita?

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