Nov 8, 2009

The mountain village Arahova

The mountain village Arahova Arahova is a small village or town is situated on a mountain that is the charm and magic of the conservation of many of its ancient traditions and characteristics of virtually unchanged. The visit of this city, almost like going back in time and discover that you have many properties and structures of old? Poque at mode life in mind the conces and lifestyles. The mountain village Arahova can be found at about 35 km from Livadia, another interesting Greek tourists, but should not miss in this area of the country. Apart from these cities there are also many other interesting and unique visitors destinations in this region of Greece, and, therefore, it is recommended to include as much time as possible at the time of the visit. The economy is based on Arahova their hand works, works of art, agriculture, tourism and other resources. Among the tourists to discover specific resources could be used in Arahova, is the production of traditional carpets and bags, which is almost impossible for visitors not wanting to buy as a memento of their visit. Another product of this city is often manufactured and sold to several other cities and is a unique variety of tissues. Spring is one of the best times of year to visit Arahova. During this season, particularly the April 23, celebrates the town of St. George's day for three days in a role. During this celebration, tourists can visit the cities of men dressing in local traditions can enjoy, while a variety of dishes, too. While visiting Arahova, tourists may also Distomo, another unique location is about 10 km from this city. Distomo was a place where most amazing archaeological discoveries have been found, and many of them tourists can find at the local museum. The museum is also due to the fact that there is a very important role in what is known as the Revolution of 1821. How do I know Arahona and its surroundings offer a number of interesting features and interesting ways, which is in a unique and fascinating destination.

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