Nov 20, 2009

Royals Put Malta Hotels Back to Map

Royals Put Malta Hotels Back to Map For a Mediterranean island with good weather years, a friendly local English speaking to people and facilities that rival any of its competitors, Malta is a surprisingly often forgotten island for many planning a holiday in the Mediterranean. Malta missed some of their own govement? Tourist destinations in 2005, but a recent visit by Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, in four days of positive media coverage on 'island? S main market? the United Kingdom? and also in more than 50 other countries of the Commonwealth Heads of State and Govement, including Canada and Australia. The Queen began her official visit to Malta, before being opened the meeting and was warmly welcomed by the friendly islanders. Malta was by the British for one hundred and fifty years, and became independent in 1964. But the island has many British characteristics, including those on the left, and British visitors for nearly half of the island? S tourists. The George Cross ranks with the Victoria Cross as Britain? S highest recognition for the value? and Malta, the Cross was awarded in 1942 by King George VI to the island? s resistance against German attempts to occupy the island, with Malta, under almost constant attack from June 1940. And the challenge of drawing tourists from other Mediterranean islands like Mallorca and Menorca, Malta has the additional challenge of new destinations in the former Easte bloc opening, such as Bulgaria and Croatia, which are usually less expensive. Better future, but where the Maltese Tourism is not individually on the market for 'island? S appeal to the mass market holiday with a certain degree of success in recent years, the queen? Visit comes at the right time for hotels and holiday companies hoping for a good 2006. Tribune Properties, a UK company specializing in property overseas, including Malta Comment:? Malta is not a priority in the list of holiday destinations for many people in the United Kingdom in comparison with the Spanish Costas, Canary Islands and Balearic Islands. The visit of the Queen showed Malta in a very positive light, and hopefully the island? Tourist officials in a position to travel and vacation, the hotel reservations for the coming months. Since Malta? S past, however, if the promotion of 2006 provides for an increase in visitors will be in spite of official actions, and not because it is.?. More good news for the industry is coming Malta holidays in the month of October with the announcement that the low-cost airlines has been granted the right to fly to the island. ? This will help both the structure and properties in Malta? Tribune added. ? With the cost of travel to the island, it must be their share of the European short-stay holiday market is substantial, increasing local employment and the economy as a whole benefit?.

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