Sep 20, 2009

Isla Mujeres Island Mexican Women

Isla Mujeres Island Mexican Women Isla Mujeres, Mexico is a great way to escape the tourist crush in Cancun. About 9 miles off the island contains the range of the Mexican culture of a bygone era. Oh, and the name means? The Island of women. Isla Mujeres the first things first, the Island of Women is not populated by more, or any other classification of women is found in Mexico. Well, there is a bay of the woman, but n? T in the course. Instead, Isla Mujeres is just a beautiful beautiful island. Diving and snorkeling El Garrafón National Underwater Park is located at the southwest tip of 'island. If you? Interested in a new fun, this park offers great visibility in warm water. Unfortunately, a private company that now manages the park service. Of course, this means that you must pay to enter the peace and a sense of tourism with kayaks and other water toys to rent. However, the park is great, and your experience you should? Not be unduly affected. If you? Looking for a beach town feel, the northe tip of 'island should be your destination. Playa Norte? offers beautiful beaches, restaurants, hotels and more or less everything you might need. He Zacil head on the road and there are enough isolated beaches. If total isolation is your thing, there are many isolated beaches on the island. Walk south from Playa Pescador and you? Ll leave humanity behind. The same is true if you head north from Playa Lancheros. Just take a map of 'island, or ask a local for directions. How to reach Isla Mujeres has an airport, but travel by boat from Cancun is cheaper. There are several ferries traveling to the island. To retu immediately and without problems. Remember to check the schedule for retu trips. Although Isla Mujeres doesn? T to live up to its name, is set to discover the beauty. If you vacation in Cancun, be sure to visit the island for a day of vacation.

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