Sep 6, 2009

The Train of Life The Grand Canyon Mule Experience, Part 1, The Day Ride

The Train of Life The Grand Canyon Mule Experience, Part 1, The Day Ride As sunrise begins to unveil the magnificence of the Grand Canyon every moing, every day of the year, a group of forty to fifty Canyon visitors gathers around the mule ride check-in in the lobby of the historic Bright Angel Lodge. The old lobby is the image of comfort and security with its rustic beams and a roaring fire in the large stone fireplace. But the smiles and cheerful banter of this group focused on the anxieties that are below. You are about to agree on an adventure that only a few lucky people in the world can ever experience. Probably was not the Grand Canyon, is their reservations over a year and have benefited from patience, as the anticipation. However, after he came this moing and made their way to the courtyard behind the house with views of the canyon, the reality is simple in. Big time! On the other hand, short, to the rock walls of the canyon begins - and goes straight down. The size of the Grand Canyon have not been captured by the images that enjoy at home. Even now, as they are next to them, which are struggling, the reality is. Everyone is in awe, and some also suffer from some degree of shock. It would be easy to conclude that only an experienced parachutist ensure that the descent. They are now, and were issued their Rain Slicker (Canyon weather is fickle) and its Bota Bag for water (a souvenir of the trip), and have their way quarter miles along the canyon rim to the next Round Rock Corral of the trail head. While the wait is even higher than ever, for the most part, the level of anxiety is easy when you first look at Ron Clayton and his Wrangler. Although similar to a photo of the old West, are real. A look at Casey, Dave, Jack, Sean, or any of the other seven or eight (including many equally competent lady Wrangler) is just to calm the nerves. These are some of the best cowboys in the world. They love what they do, they do well, and awakens trust at first sight. As Ron is gathered around the driver with directions, a lot of other tourists to be collected curiosities. Unexpectedly, both drivers and spectators will be a first class with twenty-minute monologue of education and education woven into a fun show, some jitters calmed. He stresses safety and reassure them if they simply obey Wrangler, everything will be alright. He assured that if you do not obey their Wrangler, are fast walkers. Each soul is the crowd that believes. The drivers are now ready to go. A clear line of head, there is a Ron Clayton. With an eye only gained a life of experience, in which the pilots with whom he should be in the middle of the herd, one at a time. When to him, which he called the name of one of sixty mules tied around the perimeter Corral, a mule, which will inevitably be a perfect fit for the rider. Ron is that good. After each group is eight to ten riders and was assembled at the last minute of their memories Wrangler, they follow the Wrangler through the corral gate. Fifteen meters away, and are about to Bright Angel and go over the edge. Yeehaw! Winning the hearts! It is said, and it is true that the first quarter miles of the descent is the Scariest. Fear has its peak hours, as many drivers have never been in a saddle in their lives. The road is narrow, and the vertical drop-off at the edge of the trail is shocking to say the least. The first round on the track is almost a U-tu and forget that it is a mule head some distance in front of his front legs, they may, like their mule is straight. Never fear. Despite their apparent nonchalance that mules do not miss anything, and the last thing I want to do is go over the edge. This, in tu, will be successful, an audible exhale can sometimes be heard, and some 'fear to subside more. A short fifteen minutes after the way they are to a large body, which is now, it seems safe as the plains of Kansas. The Wrangler is closed and all the other mules are automatically alongside him, in view of the canyon. He remembered all those who in their "parking brake" and then go down and a driver to driver inspection, tightening cinch, control bar, etc. All the while re-emphasized that the most important rule of safety - Keep your pet close to the front of you! The mules make this jouey every day and are so comfortable, so that sometimes lose focus and back. Unless noted by the driver to use a "reason" to stay at a certain point, the mule realize his sin, for his own, and runs to catch up. E 'un po' great fun to see a rookie driver eyes bounce up and down on the backs of mules cantering the narrow and rocky, to hang the love of life, which is like an accident. Thus, the driver reminded once again that the repetition of crimes of this nature will be transformed into a hiker. It is also important that each driver, which is already totally convinced that death is around the coer, you can go down, his mule, where he is, his bag Bota, and travel the short distance into the canyon to enjoy a life longer. Only pure terror can be the basis for this decision, however, and rarely happens. The road is much less under threat, and most of them are already visibly relaxed. The adventure, which have been dreaming live preview and the insight that is almost undeniable. The Wrangler and mounted the drive of his life again. It 'impossible to describe the sensations they are experiencing for the next two hours, the path goes down in about three thousand meters high, and is not trying to do this, for this author. This aspect of the "once in a lifetime experience" for each driver. Some go back to the breathtaking view of the trail winds around the canyon walls and, occasionally, yields insights into the wide valley. Others will remember, "interesting" parts of the route. Perhaps Jacob's Ladder, seemingly endless series of swithcbacks, the scope of what appears to be a thousand foot vertical rock face. At the beginning of the Indian garden oasis with its hundreds of years of cottonwood trees shading the picturesque atmospsere will be an unforgettable event for some, not only for their quiet beauty, but also because they are more than ready to get out of the saddle of a break . The camaraderie between the drivers, even if they are from different parts of the world and especially in the other a mule corral. Without fail, they are transferred to the humorous incidents along the route. You all laugh now more than ever thought possible. Some rapidly in contact with the animal that ride - in discussion and it is after the name. In fact, the memory of some of the animals on horseback. You always remember their names. On arrival at the Indian Garden, welcome the possibility of dismantling and stroke. A few hours notice the first signs of pain in a place where they are not used to hearing. Others are just happy for the opportunity to walk and direct their legs. If it is summer, all the drivers for the Wrangler line and hose them - without exception - with cold water channels from Roaring Springs Canyon on the canyon wall on the north, and that proves to be fun for all. Mid-day temperatures in the canyon can be extremely high, and symptoms of overheating are sometimes difficult to recognize. The Wrangler review every tu, and by Plateau Point. From now on, some of them are real cowboys. The way to Plateau Point is flat and uneventful, without reference to spectactular that are closer. Even as regards the dismantling of the anchor rail, are still largely ignorant. Only when getting on the big flat rock and the way they do the line in the upper edge of the rail, you can look at their first Colorado River quietly walk along the canyon floor. There is still very low so that they, like a piece of blue rope on the ground. A short reverential silence is usually done, and the exclamations begin. This will always be something to remember before. Certainly it is breathtaking. One last look, a few thoughts and comments about the beauty and power of Mother Nature, and go up and back to Indian Garden for lunch. Everyone is always ready for lunch. They were all given sack lunches when they are checked for this moing. A light lunch, but tasty. There will be no complaints, because they are on a wall of rock in the short, munching away the wonders of nature, they have become part of an unforgettable day in their lives. They all feel a degree of physical discomfort by now, and if the Wrangler says "OK riders, let alone the tube, where more and mount up, most of them think they do not sit properly when just a while 'longer. The retu jouey to the canyon wall is quieter and probably uneventful. It 'been a long day, and is now tired. With their backs to the valley, and trudge from this mystic world and back in civilization, to which they are accustomed. When the Wrangler is a place of rest for the animals, sit still and look back towards the canyon. Their comments are predictable - "It's just gorgeous" or "I am so happy that this trip" or "We were there all the way?". Regardless of the observations, the recognition of his voice is clear. As regards the dismantling of the last time, again at the top of the Corral, where it all began, the mood is gloomy and appreciate. If you will be happy to leave the saddle for the last time, but restrained by the knowledge that the adventure is over. They are their appreciation for their Wrangler occasionally with respect and that you will remember forever his name. You retu home with memories that are not removed, and in some cases even decreased. They understand very well that the banks for the race of their lives. As sunrise begins to unveil the magnificence of the Grand Canyon the next moing .......................

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