Sep 8, 2009

Mula and backpacking in Siena Italy

Mula and backpacking in Siena Italy Ah, the glamor of backpacker in Europe. Of course, the charm that comes with a price that I found in the province of Siena, Italy. Siena Siena is located outside of an hour Florence, Italy. My driving has been suggested that a dandy side trip to do. A medieval structure located behind protective walls on top of a hill. The central area is generally closed to cars and is a true taste of Italy. Who was I to take? Saturday as I train, I check my backpack for the overweight. I had already discarded or sent home unnecessary items and was quite light on my feet. The next thing I knew, the train had stopped and I was flat on the road next to a rolling hill covered in trees and homes. Siena is right on top. What hill is a pile of leaves that are simply wrong. You can never have an idea of what is at first. To think that the top appears to be a few hundred meters in front of you until you get to it. Then you find that is just a dip before another upward section. The hill up to Siena is one of these hills. Throw in a road that twists around the hill like a drunken sailor on leave, and you? Ll never scoff at a moped. Get in touch with my inner mule, began to rise and tame the great beast. As I walk along, I thought about all the great people who have walked the same hills, in the course of history. As has been painted in the shade, I thought that all these people probably hitch a ride instead of walk like me. After thirty-five minutes or so, I began to think seriously about anchoring a ride. Of course, this would mean admitting defeat. The battle between me and the genetic male stubboness? This stinks? attitude has been intense. Like a mule, I have taken the course. Five curves, three bathrooms that I could have swo it was the first. So as I have been divested? A wall. A great wall. And suddenly I went into a big parking lot with bus tours. Hands on knees, shirt soaking, I tried to maintain my dignity as a tourist, I looked as if I were crazy. Idiot here? One even took a picture! Once finished with me? Err, back to get my breath, I booked a room in a small hotel. The youngest of the desk seemed uncertain, but I made some comments about the fact that we are still far from the valley. He started laughing and I had the room. The shower and went in search of problems. Well, that problem was a flat surface. In the center of town, I stumbled into a small café selling Mexican beer. Being from San Diego, this is nirvana. My interior is mule was quickly appeased and the hill of death forgotten. Reflecting on my climb from a historical perspective, I have leaed a lesson. It 'a lot better to be behind the wall to try to attack it!

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