Sep 22, 2009

Thailand post tsunami

Thailand post tsunami And 'the beginning of a new moing in the beautiful Andaman Beach in Phuket. Suppliers starting with their colorful goods, resort workers conscience prepare many lounge chairs and umbrellas to shield on Sunday at noon Sunday, the masseuses are waiting in the vicinity of the trees, chatting as waiting for customers. Life goes on for the Thais, on tourism for their livelihood. Everything is as usual, except that in a detail important. Tourists come to find anywhere. After the devastating tsunami, once the tourist-dense area of Southeast Asia the day after Christmas of 2004, the number of tourists in this picturesque Thai aim is simply to hand. Exactly one year ago you would have seen an almost frenzied horde of aliens that populate the beaches and places, but today the picture is darker and less festive. However, the resistance of the people is everywhere in Thailand, especially where the tsunami? S shocked the strongest. Take his life, continue to perform their daily activities, even if it is evidence that things have definitely changed. Tourism near the coast of Thailand is at a lower level. Resort operators the feeling of severe weakness in the tourism sector. Most hotels can be booked only for less than ten percent of their capacity? Despite the cheap prices and packages offered at low cost to attract new tourists. In their frustration, operators hours blame unfair media coverage, focusing exclusively on the tsunami disaster, but not to report on how these places are? Even in this case?. And the truth is she? Re right. There is really no reason hours of no retu. Most areas of unhappiness is definitely back on his feet. The west coast of Thailand (which bore the brunt of the tsunami) is bounced back, and the infrastructure again. Only a jouey along the west coast, and you? Ll be welcomed by amazing natural beauty, the same view that travelers who are here, in the first place. Beaches like Kata Beach, which has remained outside the circle in order to remain one of the most beautiful of the region, the beautiful island of Phi Phi is idyllic as ever, and even so-called? James Bond Island? the province of Phang Nga is beautiful as it was before the tsunami. Travel to and from the island is back to normal, with transfers by boat from the mainland all fully functional. If you have a taste of paradise, less the amount, and extremely easy Portfolio prices, there has never been a better time to visit the west coast of Thailand. All the amenities and comforts of travel. The cost for a large room on the beach and a delicious meal is achingly slow. The smart vendors offer their products at real prices. The beauty of the landscape is undeniably back to its original beauty and the Thais are so friendly as always. Un po 'marked, perhaps, but with a ready smile and an infectious optimism. Without doubt, the masses again before we think.

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