Oct 22, 2009

Budapest Castle District

Budapest Castle District Dominating several hundred feet above the Danube, the Castle district of Budapest is a special place. Surrounded by gothic churches with stained glass, a visit to the Castle District is like a retu to the Renaissance. Castle District situated on the Buda side of Budapest, the castle is located on the east bank of the Danube. Located a few hundred meters above the Danube, the entire city of Budapest, can be seen from many points of view. The view is incredible, the Italians coined a saying? Europe has three gems? Venice by water, Florence in the plains and the hills of Buda. The Italians certainly right. Visit Buda Castle Buda Castle is like a retu to the heights of the Renaissance. The castle is decorated with red marble stairways, gothic facades, bastions and epic laws on the Danube. Fountains near the castle you can? T be described with words. Piazza Santa Trinità Just south of the Buda Castle is holy trinity square. The Church of the Holy Virgin, which is also known as Matthias Church, dominates the square. The church as a place where the king of Hungary undertook their rule and many famous people are buried on the ground. Behind the church is quite interesting Matthias fishing? S Bastione. This Roman bastion has the look of a mini-castle in Disneyland. The view from the parapets are amazing as you take in the Danube in Budapest as passes through. Just outside of Bastion, however, you must keep your eyes on something wonderful. Historically, the Hungarians have been some of the best runners in the world. As part of the tradition, the knight Bullwhip fact instead of strings. Big bull whips. And their love outside of your stronghold crack. If you? T attention in this case, the world? S bruyant afraid of shooting? You know what? you. The only thing you can equate the sound of rolling thunder, but without the rotation. When this happens, drinks, food and cameras go flying.

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