Oct 26, 2009

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam is a country marked by war and its prospects are yet to forgive and to the front? Research. The people believe that the last century? S occupations, battles and political influences have enriched the nation. Washed ashore above the Mekong Delta, about 40 km north of the South China Sea, Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon, is a city on the rise, a boom? City, usually the dollar is absolute. There is evidence of their war? To past. Its history has been resilient, effervescent tablets, with the initiative and with the roaring trade. The center of Ho Chi Minh is compact and ideal for walking around. It's restaurants, hotels and glitzy bars without blemish in the midst of the colonial palaces and venerable pagodas. There are many interesting places to visit, including the markets, the Cathedral, the river? Harbor, the Presidential Palace (perfectly preserved some reason!) And the park nearby, which is also a museum of history and culture of Vietnam and a small zoo. Ho Chi Minh City began as a fishing village known as Prei Nokor and during the Angkor period (15th century) and flourished as entrpot want to craft in the Mekong River cambodian. Cargo ships still to this day with rice barges jostle and fragile Sampan (an oriental with a boat sailing or rowing), while the porters sweat the moisture load in the boat. During the 18th Century, the Khmer were expelled today, Prei Nokor Saigon was renamed and became a temporary capital from 1772 to 1802, when Emperor Gia Long used as a regional administrative center. The French seized Saigon in 1861 and has an extensive program of public works with the construction of roads and drainage Marsh Land. The war against the French lasted thirty years after Saigon was the capital of the Republic of South Vietnam. American troops withdrew in 1973 and two years later, Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. This is a port, the steam is hot and searlingly stilvoll. The streets are full of fantasy Ein? From boutiques, designer shops and cafes, where it can be used for the local population in an informal context. Dong Khoi and Le Thanh Ton streets are favorites for elegant silk dress, hand embroidered scarves and lacquerware. (Many stores will be a service to the organization of a shipping container house purchases) In many respects, Ho Chi Minh City is much more cosmopolitan and hedonistic capital of Hanoi. Ho Chi Minh is also full to bursting point with people, for the progress hasn? T in the food, shelter and employment, so begging, theft and prostitution are very testing. Petty crimes, unfortunately, has in recent years so we must be careful when walking on the streets or while traveling by bicycle or motorcycle, especially after dark and around tourist premises. For more information on Vietnam, or South-East Asian theme, please visit

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